Anna Reuter
Professional Massage Therapy


My name is Anna Reuter

I’m a Licensed Massage Therapist in Florida, Iowa & Wisconsin. 

My health office is located in Jacksonville Florida and my business is called Tropical Oasis Massage & Wellness. 

I offer a variety of healing modalities which is listed under my services/pricing page. 

Please contact me with any questions regarding any of these services.

My specialty is in helping women of all ages including young mothers, veterans and the elderly to relax and heal your mind, body and soul.

If you are planning a girls weekend and need some pampering I am your girl! 

If you are looking at offering a retreat and want to help your group restore I am at your service!

Perhaps you just want some one on one time at your own home without distractions.... well, with my Mobile Massage service you don't have to worry about getting dressed and leaving your cozy relaxed state! That's right! One of the most common comments from a client after a massage was that they didn't want to drive home! Now you don't have to! (same applies to having Reiki offered at your event or your home for you or your pet)

Massage is regarded as one of the oldest, known to human, health care services. If you dig deep through history you’ll find it was used in China, Japan & you’ll even see it recorded on ancient Egyptian pyramids. 

Our skin is the largest organ on our body & it has approximately 5 million touch receptors. There are 3000 alone just on the tip of the finger! When you receive a massage your body releases endorphins which are natural pain relievers. You can see now the connection between massage and understand why massaging the body instantly relaxes the body and lowers stress levels.  

Some other benefits of massage that you may notice could be:  

*Higher self esteem, less depressed feeling, reduced heart rate, reduced stress, a reduction of anxious feelings & lower blood pressure. 

60 minutes of a massage has the same effect on your body as 7-8 hrs of a good nights sleep. 

As you can see, the benefits go on and on. 

I am trained in a variety of other natural holistic  healing modalities as well and you can click on the "Services & Rates" page to learn more about the various techniques & products that I offer at my health & wellness office. 

If you would like to set up an appointment with me, click on "Contact Me" and send me a message.

I will call you back to confirm the details of your appointment, and also answer any questions you might have.

Thanks for visiting, and have a blessed day!